Commissioner Presley Statement Responding To Tate Reeves Calling Medicaid Expansion “Not The Right Path”
Commissioner Brandon Presley released the following statement responding to Tate Reeves’ continued opposition to Medicaid expansion.
Reeves opposes providing healthcare for 220,000 working Mississippians and creating 21,000 good-paying jobs
Nettleton, MS – Commissioner Brandon Presley released the following statement responding to Tate Reeves’ continued opposition to Medicaid expansion:
“Tate Reeves is a failed governor who has helped funnel millions of taxpayer dollars to his personal trainer and celebrity friends while leaving 220,000 working Mississippians without healthcare and rural hospitals struggling to keep their lights on. When Tate Reeves finally wakes up and wonders why rural hospitals are closed, he needs to look in the mirror.
“As governor, I’ll have the backbone to expand Medicaid so we can end Tate Reeves’ healthcare crisis and keep our rural hospitals open, provide healthcare for 220,000 working Mississippians, and create thousands of good-paying jobs.”
Brandon Presley is a fighter who keeps his promises, stands up for the little guy, and isn't afraid to ruffle more than a few feathers to deliver results for hardworking Mississippi families. Brandon served as Mayor of Nettleton from 2001 to 2007, where he balanced the budget every year, cut taxes twice, and got the town moving again. As Public Service Commissioner, Brandon opened up meetings that had been closed to the public for decades, brought high-speed internet to some of the most remote and forgotten parts of Mississippi, put people back to work with the Hire Mississippi program, and saved taxpayers over 6 billion dollars.