“We need to sanitize our state government that is infected with corruption so we can have a government that responds to the people, not just a government that is auctioned off to the highest bidder.” - Brandon Presley
Read Brandon’s full note about the need for a War on Corruption now >>
Ban the unlimited gifts from lobbyists to lawmakers and elected officials from the governor all the way down to stop the unlimited flow of special interest money to state officials and require weekly gift and lobbying disclosure forms;
Place limits on the currently unlimited flow of campaign contributions from individuals and political action committees and ban direct contributions from corporations;
Ban state officeholders and candidates for state office from accepting contributions during any legislative session;
Stop the revolving door from state government into lobbying firms by implementing a 1-year waiting period for former government officials to lobby the state legislature and for lobbyists to join the state government;
Increase fines and penalties for politicians that violate ethics and campaign finance laws;
Expand the Mississippi open meetings law to include the Legislature, state elected officials, and hold every state agency responsible for timely public records request responses;
Reauthorize the Public Records Act and not let it die;
Hire an independent investigator appointed by the Ethics Commission that cannot be fired by the governor or the legislature, a departure from Tate Reeves, who fired the investigator once he got too close to his lobbyist buddies who gave him football tickets;
Create a Task Force on Public Integrity with appointments from the state auditor, attorney general, and executive director of the Department of Finance and Administration to review all state contracts and evaluate the performance of any recipient of taxpayer dollars, with a focus on the Department of Human Services because under Tate Reeves’ watch as lieutenant governor, he failed to provide oversight of $77 million that was stolen or misspent at DHS;
Empower the Mississippi Ethics Commission to hold state government accountable as a non-partisan and independent body with the authority to audit, investigate and penalize politicians who violate ethics and campaign finance laws;
The Ethics Commission will hold all campaign finance reporting and enforcement responsibilities;
Require campaign finance reports be available online and easily accessible to the public, and due every 30 days in an election year and quarterly in non-election years;
Establish a “Governor’s Blue Ribbon Task Force on Transparency and Accountability” comprised of private citizens and good governance experts. The Task Force shall recommend to the governor and legislature specific action items to clean up state government;
Support legislation to prohibit companies seeking a license, permit, or non-competitive contract, along with their agents, PACs, and employees, from donating more than $250 to political campaigns from the date of solicitation and/or for 12 months after the final award is made;
Require the governor’s office and all state agencies to keep records of all meetings with lobbyists and companies and individuals lobbying the government for contracts or legislation that benefits them.
Growing up, Brandon was raised by a single mama who struggled to put food on the table and pay the light bill. Unfortunately, this is the reality for too many families in Mississippians whether they’re from Jackson, Hill Country or the coast. While politicians backed by big corporate lobbyists like Tate Reeves want to divide us, Brandon’s economic plan will make sure that every family has the opportunity to succeed in our great state. The cornerstone of Brandon’s plan calls for tax cuts for working families, not just for the wealthy and well-connected, and would help the most Mississippians.
Eliminate the highest grocery tax in the nation
Cut car tag fees in half for Mississippians
Create a Public-Private Task Force on Economic Diversity
Provide Workforce Training and Scholarships
Invest in Infrastructure
Ensure Access To Childcare
Expand Medicaid
Strengthen Mississippi’s Equal Pay law
Brandon Presley knows firsthand the importance of access to affordable healthcare. His mama knew there was a problem and put off seeing a doctor because she couldn’t afford it - it caught up to her and she passed away too early from congestive heart failure. That’s why Brandon is committed to ending Tate Reeves’ healthcare crisis by expanding Medicaid, which could provide healthcare for 220,000 working Mississippians, keep rural hospitals open, and create thousands of good-paying jobs across the state.
Right now, hospitals around the state are being forced to close and cut back on essential services. A report from the Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform showed that one-third of Mississippi’s rural hospitals are at risk of closure within 3 years, with 20 hospitals at risk of immediate closure, and 27 hospitals at risk of closure overall.
Expanding Medicaid to provide affordable healthcare to 220,000 Mississippians and keep our hospitals open;
Creating a website where Mississippians can compare health insurance and prescription drug costs so you can make the best healthcare choices for your family;
Appointing a Director of Medicaid who is a career healthcare professional, not a career political hack, to administer the largest healthcare programs in the state;
Create a drug pricing affordability board that would require mandatory reporting from pharmaceutical companies and pharmacy benefit managers about drug pricing mechanisms.
When Tate Reeves finally wakes up and realizes another hospital in this state has closed and hundreds of Mississippians have died from a lack of healthcare on his watch, he will only have himself to blame. Brandon will end Tate Reeves’ healthcare crisis and fight for affordable healthcare across Mississippi.-
Brandon is a proud public school and community college graduate who learned the value of a good education from his mama, who was a preschool teacher, and his experiences as a Mayor of Nettleton, where the town’s public school brought the community together. He is dedicated to providing every Mississippi student with a world-class education. By focusing on public schools, community colleges and technical education, he aims to create a healthy and vibrant workforce for Mississippi's future. Brandon will stop government corruption, directing public funds to schools and not the pockets of political cronies.
“The most important thing we can do as a state is educate our children. Not only for their wellbeing, but for economic development, for our workforce and for moving our state forward.” -Brandon Presley
Smart Funding And Support For Mississippi Public Schools
Brandon recognizes the devastating impact of school budget cuts, which force school districts to increase class sizes, cut vital student programs and ask parents and teachers to foot the bill for classroom supplies.
He will work with educators on developing a smart funding formula that finally delivers relief to Mississippi schools.
Brandon will prioritize public schools over pet projects and make sure that the state’s budget surplus benefits Mississippi communities and not private interests.
Brandon will champion high-tech vocational and advanced STEM programs, fostering education that puts Mississippi students in a position to thrive in a modern economy.
Classrooms should be equipped with up-to-date technology, books, and facility improvements that prepare students to uplift Mississippi’s economic future.
Teacher Retention: Competitive Pay For Teachers And Support Staff
Brandon believes that all Mississippi education staff deserve a hard-earned pay raise for their accomplishments in elevating Mississippi students and serving Mississippi communities.
In addition to pay raises, he supports critical shortage stipends, loan support and health insurance subsidies to keep the best and brightest in Mississippi schools.
Community Collaboration And Services
Brandon believes that Mississippi’s public schools, like the Nettleton school where he was educated, are already serving as centers for community resources and deserve additional funding for support programs that meet the needs of their school district. Brandon supports allowing local communities and public schools to have input and access to what they need from their neighborhood schools.
Mississippi students deserve to learn in clean, modern and safe schools, and educators should be able to work in safe environments.
Brandon’s plan to expand Medicaid will keep our community hospitals open and keep Missisisippi families healthy by supporting doctors and mental health professionals. Parents, educators and students deserve quality and affordable healthcare no matter their zip code.
Brandon believes in funding universal preschool programs, providing Mississippi children access to early education for long-term success.
Mississippi will prosper when parents can return to work knowing that their children are safe and well-cared for in childcare programs.
Brandon Presley Campaign
P.O. Box 208
Nettleton, MS 38858
Paid for by Brandon Presley Campaign